Jessica Jones and How to get away with murder
Inside out, I Cried a lot.
Lots of musicals.
The relationship dramas, wish I could have handled it all better
Getting myself a real job
Changing the tire on the bike
My resolution for last year was to take a photo every day, in hope that this would spark my creative photography again. I didn't keep that resolution, though I have photographed more this past year. I've started using Instagram which I think is one of the reasons why I was a bit able to keep that resolution.
The new resolution for 2016 is to visit the theatre at least once a month. It doesn't matter what kind of show it is, if its theatre, dance or musical. I just want to spend more time experience creative pieces that surely will inspired me to create myself.
2016 will be another big year in my life as me and my partner are going to find a way to live together. This gets rather tricky as we have to find a location where we both can work. And it kind of has to be two workplaces where English is spoken also. So yeah, it is a bit of a tricky puzzle. But we have a few ideas, some that we have to wait a while before we'll know if they'll work out. But hope is that we will live together by the later half of the year.
I'm very nervous about switching workplace, since I do feel like there's a huge gap in my skills and those that would be required by me at a new workplace. I will try and work on those skills after work, but I know that I have a hard time getting things done by myself. Tried to apply to a distant course, but didn't get in. I find it a lot easier to get things done when there's deadlines.
There are lot of fun things planned for this year. Horse show, Legoland and Phantom are a few that are for sure. There's also some loose plans for Crete and exploring the northern Scandinavian.
I also hope that this will be the year when I become more healthy. My body has so many problems that I really should start taking better care of it. The vegetarian diet I've had hasn't really given me enough nutrition, which needs to be fixed. I will also start trying chiropractic treatment for my RLS, which keeps me from sleeping well. A visit to the dentist is also needed, haven't been at one for many years now. So as I'm now coming home from my vacation and to the reality of this new year, I have a lot of appointments to book.