Last time I updated on my resolution was in the beginning of the spring. Hurray for my ability to update this blog regularly. Do not however believe that I've forgotten my resolution or stopped going on shows, because I've gone on quite a few this year. From amateur theatre in the outbacks of Gothenburg to Hamlet at the Globe. My memory is bad, but from the top of my head I could count eight shows. Not eleven as I would have liked it to be, but good anyways. There has been a few botched attempts, like that time when they cancelled the show so to faults in the fire alarm system. And this year I learned that the theatres close during the summer, which didn't make it easy for me.
The year is rapidly getting closer to it's end and I will try to squeeze in a few more shows. I'm planning on going in a Christmas concert and the opera is showing Carmen which would be nice to see. And if mom comes down we'll probably go to Liseberg and see their ice skating show. And who knows what else I can find.
This resolution has been a lot of fun so far and I'm looking forward to its finally. Have already planned to go to a dance show in the beginning of next year. If we shadow have offended. It's one of the best things I've seen on stage and I'm thrilled that they are showing it again, only 3 days though. Will try and grab tickets next Friday as the opera house is having a black Friday sale then.