
2016 Resolution part ???

Last time I updated on my resolution was in the beginning of the spring. Hurray for my ability to update this blog regularly. Do not however believe that I've forgotten my resolution or stopped going on shows, because I've gone on quite a few this year. From amateur theatre in the outbacks of Gothenburg to Hamlet at the Globe. My memory is bad, but from the top of my head I could count eight shows. Not eleven as I would have liked it to be, but good anyways. There has been a few botched attempts, like that time when they cancelled the show so to faults in the fire alarm system. And this year I learned that the theatres close during the summer, which didn't make it easy for me.

The year is rapidly getting closer to it's end and I will try to squeeze in a few more shows. I'm planning on going in a Christmas concert and the opera is showing Carmen which would be nice to see. And if mom comes down we'll probably go to Liseberg and see their ice skating show. And who knows what else I can find.

This resolution has been a lot of fun so far and I'm looking forward to its finally. Have already planned to go to a dance show in the beginning of next year. If we shadow have offended. It's one of the best things I've seen on stage and I'm thrilled that they are showing it again, only 3 days though. Will try and grab tickets next Friday as the opera house is having a black Friday sale then.


November Goals

I know we are halfway through this month, but I've been working with my goals since the start if the month. The reason for my late update here is because I hate the blogger app. I can't get the formatting I want and I can't add pictures. So in the end I have to fix everything on the computer or I just forget all about it. But enough complaining, here are the goals I'm working with this month.

1. Clean bathroom floor
I do of course clean my floors on a regular basis. But after a pee-accident ( cats) I really need to take everything and clean the floors with running alcohol and really get into all those corners. And while I'm at that I really need to wipe off all the pipes that are a bit covered with dust from the litterbox. Basically a spring cleaning.

2. Make a pumpkin scene in 3D
I know Halloween will be over when this is done. But I saw these cute carved pumpkins and got inspired. I need to be get a bit better at updating my 3D website. And this will probably be rather easy and quick since I'll stick with 3ds Max.

3. Paint the hallway
Ever since I moved in two years ago I've been wanting to do this. Been addicted lately to DIY-videos which have made me inspired to do some homeimprovement.  So now it is time.


October Goals - one month later

I've really liked this month and having these goals, they've done their best to keep me motivated and to not give up. Even though I can only say that I really succeded with one of them. But let's recap and evaluate.

1. Finish one if the small paintings
So I've gotten rather far in this one. I think I will finish it during next weekend. The biggest reason why I haven't finished this painting is because I've hadn't had many free weekends. I've both been travelling and having my wonderful boyfriend over (whom lives in another country). So there hasn't been enough time for me to sit down and complete this painting and I'm a rather slow painter.
There was also a bit of trouble the first time i sat down painting the skull, since I wasn't satisfied at all with the colours i had and how they turned out when being mixed. But I have the right colours now so I've managed to get a lot of the skull done.

2. Sort out the wardrobe full of craft stuff
Yes, this one is complete and I know a very dear friend that would be so proud seeing my sorted crafting wardrobe (even though I know she might be a bit jealous that she didn't get to help).
I still want to fix prettier storage boxes, but everything is in order as it is now and I've thrown out so much that I have never used. It feels really nice to cut down on material possessions, it's make me feel lighter and more focused. Having everything isn't essentially if they are things that you do not need or use. On the contrary, I find it more stressful because I feel pressured to do all the things at once. So getting rid of things I don't need make me more focused to do the things I want to do

3. Exercise once a week
Yeah, I kind of failed this one too. But I've started getting into the habit of swimming once a week. But since I'm swimming with friends it can sometime get tricky do find a day that fit all of us. Managed to go swimming twice and went on a long powerwalk once. So almost.