
Goodbye Waves

After a week of surfing and bruising, the time has come to say goodbye and go back to a cold Sweden. This week has been great and painful, I am filled with bruises. I might not be born to be a surfer, but I love surfing no matter how bad I am at it.

Yesterday, after a hole day of surfing, we treated ourselves with one hour of massage. It was really nice for the poor body that is so not used to daily exercise. My shoulders can barely move after all the paddling.

It feels nice going hone, I'm ready to go back to normal life, normal food and to my dear babies. Pictures will come soon I hope, I should perhaps show the London photos first...


Monday Afternoon

You know what?! Surfing in the sunset on a Monday afternoon isn't that bad. I could get used to this.

Surfing here in Morocco just puts more fuel to my desire to travel to Australia and live in van. Spending the days surfing, working when money is low, and driving to new destinations. I don't need that much more money to do that. The biggest thing holding me back are my babies. Being away from them for a year would be so hard.


High Above the Ground

I have never had to run to the gate, until today. We reach the passport control and heard them announce the final call for our flight. There were a lot of people in front of us and panic started to rise. We asked the people in front if the lone if we could go before them, explaining our situation. Thank goodness for nice people, they let us pass. After that we had to run to our gate. It said closed but there were still staff there and they let us through.

I was really scared that we would make it!

Now were trying to sleep a bit, which is hard because the seat isn't the beat and we are surrounded by kids. Flying is boring, even with free WiFi. And getting randomly kicked in the back doesn't make it better. But in a few hours we'll be in Morocco.


There and Back Again

Home sweet home. And time for bed! I will update on my lovely London-trip another day, cause there is simply to time tonight. Tomorrow I have a big presentation about my internship and I am not prepared at all. But it will work out just fine. Good night.


Last Meal

One more hour until my flight to London. I've checked in and passed the security control and now I'm currently sitting at espresso house where I'm been eating a bagel and a mudcake, my last meal if I crash.

My emotions are exhausting to live with. I just feel sick to my stomach and wish I could go home and hide underneath all my blankets in my bed. Travelling scares me a lot and this is kind of the first time I'm travelling by myself. So much can go wrong. But there is also a calm and rational side coexisting with this great fear. I think that's the only reason why I'm not breaking apart here on the spot. My rational side reassures me that everything while be fine and if something bad were to happen I will survive. Losing a phone, or being lost is not the end of the world. It really isn't.

Travelling, it sure isn't easy all the time.


Doing my best to get everything done before I'm leaving for London. I'm terrible at this kind of stuff, I get distracted so easily and I also have to try every single item in my wardrobe before I can decide on what to pack down. And if deciding what to wear wasn't hard enough. I also have to decide which camera to bring, bringing all of them would be too heavy to carry.

And I also kind of need to figure out all that good to know stuff, such as how to get from the airport to my hostel. Goodness the stressful panic and euphoria in my mind is so wonderful.


Goals for 2015

Yes I already have a big challenge/resolution for this year. But I would also like to set some smaller goals for this year.

  1. Paint the walls in the Hallway 
  2. Put artworks on the walls
  3. Sort out my mess of a hobby warderobe
  4. Sew more
  5. Finish a few things on the 30-list
  6. Make a recipe book and try to make new things
  7. Stop the addiction to sugar
  8. Participate in a 10km race
  9. Buy boardgames and have people over more often
  10. Take classes in something (guitarr, dance, arts... something)

30 Thing Before 30 - an Update

There are not a lot of things that I can cross of from my list, but a few things are better than nothing. Right?!

15. Have manicure, pedicure and massage
This was finsihed with the massage during the wonderful visit from Linnéa and Anna in September this year.

26. Cosplay in a self-made costume
Though it was for a Halloween party, I will still cross this of. I made a beautiful Princess Leia costume with a pistol and it was so fun making it.

Things that are crossed of since before
1. Travel outside Europe
3. Open a bottle of sparkling wine
11. Surf

5 down only 25 to go and 1332 days left to do them. 

2014 In a List

To be offered a job
To bring my PS3 back from the dead

The emotional downs that have been very dark and I've felt like I'm back 10 years ago with all the dark thoughts going around in my head.

Same as last year, Computer Graphics Design. And I'm still loving it.

I know have a nice scar above my bellybutton after Milky got panic in the car. It looks like the start of a heart surgery incision.

The sad truth is that I did not do any travelling during 2014, besides going back to Stockholm. I went to Malmö over one day, which was interesting since there were many delays and such-


Intouchables, Gravity

I've had a few fights/arguments with a dear friend of mine during this whole year which have been hard to deal with at time.

Worst food market
I miss ICA Lindhagen. and ICA in Akalla and also the one in Tumba. I just haven't found a food market here that feels like home.

Happiest News
 Internship at Zoink!

Saddest News
All the "no" I got when applying for internship, they were so hard to deal with. 

My name is Maria and I'm addicted to Netflix.
Marco Polo

I made a My little Pony shaped cake for Isabelle's birthday, sadly I have no pictures of it. It was a two layered frozen mousse cake with raspberries and elder flowers.

Electronic Device
My new computer and my Nexus 5 phone. Can't live without them!

Best Buy
Oh my, perhaps that is the phone. Or that scratching furniture I bought for the cats.

Having my own place again have made i possible for me to start cooking again. 
Vegetarian dumplings!

I saw Kristina från Duvemåla and also the recorded version of the Alice in Wonderland ballet.

The short-commandos for skinning, learning to actually use short-commandos have made working so much easier.

This one is a bit hard to talk about since it has been something I've kind of been hiding. But I've had a few relapse in my self-destructive behavior. A lot of my hair have been pulled out and I had a incident with a pair of scissors. 

Me? Haha, no just joking. Can't remember anyone special from this past year. Maybe Brad Pitts haircut from that new movie he's in, the Fury. 

Depressing since I spent it all applying and worrying about the upcoming internship.
But there has been a few nice things in there as well, visits from friends and having a balcony.

Angry Orchard cider

Good deed for myself
Taking the bike to work, saves me money and keeps me some what more exercised

Good deed for other
Helping Linnéa doing the summer-cleaning at the stable

Tre Indier, best Indian restaurant ever. I've also continued to discover Gothenburg.

Internship, Repairing electronic devices, putting together a computer, repairing my bike

So much can be said about this past year, the ups have been high in the clouds and the downs have been down in hell. It's been crazy and I know that this new year will be just as crazy. I'm kind of looking forward to 2016 because I think that that could be the year when everything has fallen to place with work, where to live and so on. 

And I can actually say that where ever I end up, it will be wonderful. 


A good start

It hasn't even been a full week on this new year and I'm already sick. Not the best start. But if it starts bad then it only can get better, right?!
Tomorrow I'm heading back home to Gothenburg for a few days, I wished I had a few more days back home before going back to school and internship. But I only have one day to settle in before my crazy month really starts. School, internship, trips and much more.

Is there ever enough time here in life?



A new year, full of so many opportunities and changes. I have no clue where I'll be when this year ends, which is nerve wrecking and exciting all at the same time.

I don't have any new years resolution, but instead I have a challenge. I will take a photo every single day this week, and publish them here once a week. When I was younger I couldn't live without my camera and now my cameras are hidden away, gathering dust. I hope that this challenge will give me that kick and spark I need to start photographing again, not just those spontaneous photos but also all those crazy ideas for the studios.

Another change that might happen is that I'm thinking I'd changing blog. The blogger app refuse to work with android, can't not up photos, which is very annoying. So I'm thinking of switching to tumblr. Nothing decided yet though, I need to figure out a few things first. We'll see what happens.
Enjoy the new year.