
November Goals

I know we are halfway through this month, but I've been working with my goals since the start if the month. The reason for my late update here is because I hate the blogger app. I can't get the formatting I want and I can't add pictures. So in the end I have to fix everything on the computer or I just forget all about it. But enough complaining, here are the goals I'm working with this month.

1. Clean bathroom floor
I do of course clean my floors on a regular basis. But after a pee-accident ( cats) I really need to take everything and clean the floors with running alcohol and really get into all those corners. And while I'm at that I really need to wipe off all the pipes that are a bit covered with dust from the litterbox. Basically a spring cleaning.

2. Make a pumpkin scene in 3D
I know Halloween will be over when this is done. But I saw these cute carved pumpkins and got inspired. I need to be get a bit better at updating my 3D website. And this will probably be rather easy and quick since I'll stick with 3ds Max.

3. Paint the hallway
Ever since I moved in two years ago I've been wanting to do this. Been addicted lately to DIY-videos which have made me inspired to do some homeimprovement.  So now it is time.

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