
Heading to Art Class

For the first time since high school I'm heading back to a painting class. I've done lots of art studies after high school, but this is the first time I'll be in a classroom where you'll get help and feedback from a teacher, which I hope will teach me stuff that I probably forgot during the years when I didn't paint.
I'm hoping to improve my colour theory/colour mixing, blending technics and finally to just get inspiration and force myself to paint more often. Without practice one does not improve.

Heading to this class I'm having lots of anxiety. What if I don't have the right supplies, what if the others are better, what if I get tossed out for not being good enough. You know, the usual panics when we try something new... I'll get back with an update telling you all about how they tossed me out on the raining streets and how the tram didn't let me on because my paint stained clothes made me look like a hobo.

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