

After finally getting Milky back home I was just heartbroken. I could see the pain he was in and knew that there was nothing I could do to ease it. So I decided to cancel the little dinner party and instead just take care of my cats.

A few hours have passed now and Milky is doing a lot better. He has been eating and drinking and just a second ago he jumped up on my desk. But mostly he lays on the floor, resting. I have started to groom him a bit and carefully clean the mess around his eyes. He is not really white at the moment.

And he is also being really good, I removed the cone around his neck and he has not been trying to lick his wound. I had to block so that he couldn't crawl under the bed though, just so I could make sure that he wasn't licking the wound.

In 12 days we will once more return to the vet to remove the stitches. I will also give him pain-medication for the coming 4-6 days.

Selma is not forgotten. I am starting to keep an extra eye on her as well. Since she is a little chubby I've gotten special weight loss food from the vet and are now trying to introduce this new food. Selma has barely been eating anything for the past 48 hours. A few years back she got serious problems with her liver because she starved herself, so I'm worried that this problem will return if she doesn't start to eat more soon. 

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